Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Do you mind?

Do you mind (by Ahmad Babar):
Do you mind staying here for just a minute longer?
Do you mind telling all about yourself?
Do you mind kissing me with those sweet lips of yours?
Do you know that when I am around you I forget all about myself?

So come on now don't make me feel this way
The stars are shining bright tonight
Kiss me under the full moon's light
With a touch of your lips come take my heart away
Oh baby I love you
Oh baby I love you
Please come say
That you love me too

Every day, every night, it's the same story
I dream about you, I think about you all of the time
And I wonder if there is a way
To make you mine

So come on now don't make me feel this way
The stars are shining bright tonight
Kiss me under the full moon's light
With a touch of your lips come take my heart away
Oh baby I love you
Oh baby I love you
Please come say
That you love me too

So do you mind?
Oh do you mind?
Please say that you don't
And I will never say I won't
I will always wait for you to come
To come back home

Monday, April 16, 2007

One Last Time

One Last Time (by Ahmad Babar):
I have this weird feeling that something ain't right
Somehow the moon just isn't going with this night
The smell of fresh flowers is dying away
And I can't word what I have to say
So wake up, come help me
Help me speak, help me to see
Don't let the wind blow me away
Please don't let them treat me this way

I am so tired of all of this
Let's just drift away with a kiss
Come let me hold you in my arms
One last time let me win you over with my charm

I want to break free
Oh please come help me
My mind's so confused
I so don't want to lose
I am trying to muster strength from inside
But I need you to be here by my side
All day long I think about you
And this is all that I can do

I am so tired of all of this
Let's just drift away with a kiss
Come let me hold you in my arms
One last time let me win you over with my charm

Don't let the world hold you back
Don't let the wall fall cause of a small crack
There is something in my eyes
I don't want to cry
I have always waited and I will wait some more
I will wait for you on the sea shore
I know that someday you will come
Till then I will sing under the morning sun

I am so tired of all of this
Let's just drift away with a kiss
Come let me hold you in my arms
One last time let me win you over with my charm

Just one last time girl, just one last time...

Friday, April 13, 2007

Batch of 2007

Batch of 2007:
It had all began on one fine September morning
As we entered the campus the birds were singing
We were starting our journey in a new place
We were surrounded by strange faces
But somehow we had all felt at ease
We had all met each other under the shadows of the trees
Now that we look back it all seems to have gone by so fast
Deep inside we hope that for one more moment it lasts
But we have to move on singing
And make our way towards a new beginning
We all had gone through the ups and the downs of life
And we all learnt how to strive
Today as we all leave we can't deny that we have improved
Now we all have a winning attitude
The Lahore School of Economics had given us a new start
It taught us to think with the mind and feel from the heart
So let's together now make a pact
That we will always play our own act
And that we will try to give back what we had gained
And promise never to cause anyone pain
So let's together jump and conquer the heavens
We are the BBA/BSc (Hons) Batch of 2007!

by Ahmad Babar,
BSc - Hons. Sec. F
Founder/In-charge Lahore School of Economics Association of Poets and Writers
A Proud Member of the Lahore School of Economics BBA/BSc (Hons) Batch of 2007

Girl Around the Corner

Girl Around the Corner (by Ahmad Babar):
My thoughts go back to the first time we had met
She walked towards me as I lit a cigarette
She paused as she neared me
She smiled at me sweetly
She said, "Do you know that cigarettes are not good for you?"
I stood perplexed not knowing what to do
There was something in her eyes that made me throw it away
All of a sudden it seemed like a beautiful day
At that moment I knew that I had fallen for her
The more she looked at me the more I felt warmer
As she moved to walk on I held her hand
The young boy felt like a man
I said, "Hey, thank you"
She said, "Thank you too"
I said, "Hey angel won't you tell me your name"
She said, "Are you insane?"
I told her that I don't know
She told me she had to go
I asked when will I see her again
She laughed and said, "You are seriously insane"
I told her what I felt about her
I told her that I had fallen for her
She stood wondering about what I had just said
Her eyes showed that she was perplexed
I told her to give me one chance
I asked her out for a dance
She stood there in complete silence
In the back of my mind I was hearing violins
Finally she opened her mouth
She made an effort to shout
But something inside her stopped her
She asked me if I really loved her
I told her to seek the answer in my eyes
As she did lightning lightened up the sky
An unexplained tear rolled down her cheek
I thought that my chances were bleak
She gave a shy smile and agreed
I felt weak in my knees
I took her number and told her I will give her a call
She said she will wait for me in the dance hall
That night I had the best dance ever
Maybe it was because I was with her
We still dance every night
In my arms she still feels just right
Tonight once again I want to thank her
Had she not stopped me I would have never fallen in love with her
And I would have missed out on all of this
I would have never known the pleasure of the taste of her kiss
I would have never been the man that I am today
And I would have never said what I had to say
So thank you girl, I will always love you
No matter what I do I will do it for you

Sunday, April 1, 2007



Not near my best by far [and modesty is my middle name] but my second last for now... hope you guys enjoy it...

Re-born (by Ahmad Babar):
I have let go of all fear
Everything is now so clear
No I control my life my own way
I am feeling my pain float away
For once the clouds smile at me
They help me realize what I can't see
The sun is smiling as well
As if there is something it needs to tell
I see life in the darkest corners
In the freezing world I feel warmer
The numbness is gone and I fly
I have learnt not to cry
I am a new person, I am better than ever before
I smell the roses, I am no longer sore
The body, the mind and the heart
Thy all feel fresh, this is my new start
I am leaving my past behind forever
I eliminated everything that had anything to do with her
I feel a new sense of living
Today my free soul is flying
I am floating in the clouds
For once my voice can be heard loud
I am creating my own path to walk on
Today I was re-born
The sun and the clouds are still smiling
They understand exactly what I am feeling
Finally free from it all I move on
Sit and wait for my next song

They and Me


As already announced by me, I have left poetry for sometime to come. This was my last work before I made that decision, just wanted to share it with you guys...

They and Me (by Ahmad Babar):
They don't understand who I am
They refuse to see the man
They are unable to realize
That it's not always about the shiny prize
They can't accept anything different
Their mindsets are just too resilient
They laugh when I speak my mind
I don't care, I am one of a kind
I am different and I am better
I am far above their senseless clatter
Once again they try to laugh at what I say
When will they understand that I live my own way?
Each one of them is hiding a secret inside
Something they are afraid of, something they are forced to hide
I feel pity for them for they cannot see
Poor souls are afraid of being what they could be
They are too scared of coming out of their shells
Fearing the same fate as those who fell
But they forget that the ones who fell trying will be remembered
Because they had stood up and they had endeavored
Today I give them one final call
Come fly, don't be afraid of the big fall
If you won't try you won't learn
Nothing lost, nothing earned
I am on my way, follow if you want to
Today you may laugh, tomorrow you will realize it was all true

Life.... Continued....


Can't exactly say that I once again have the pen in my hand, let's just say that the keys under my fingers... ok, lame joke...

The reactions that I have received to a few decisions that I have made in the past few days have got me thinking again. I am not quitting poetry, I am just taking a break from it for now. I am in search for new inspirations.

A funny thing happened today, I realized that the best and also the worst thing about knowing the future is that you can change it. As some people know, I had my ways of finding out a little about the future and these details I shared with a few people. I made a lot of important decisions in my life based on these believes. Today, in continuation of it all, I asked for the final sign regarding her and I realized that having known some things about the future, I had ended up doing stuff and altering my destiny. Things that were supposed to happen shall not happen at all now and this news is a HUGE relief for me. I can finally truly move on.

Yes, I have hurt a few people based on these believes although I didn't want to and today I want to say Sorry for one last time. And I want to thank anyone and everyone who has ever been there for me, owe you all a lot.

Getting back to the subject, life has taught me a lot and I wish to be able to share it all with others someday, maybe try and stop someone else from repeating my mistakes. In short, I am a different being today.

So, thank you life and above all, thank You Allah for everything...

Watch out for me
Cause I am coming back...



You go through different phases in your life and each churns out a different result. You learn one thing from one and another from another. You end up meeting all kinds of people that inspire you in their own unique ways. Some you are lucky enough to meet and some you wish you had never come across. It's all a circus. You are on top one day and before you know it, you are plunging down. It doesn't matter how many tops you have reached or for how long you stayed there. All that matters is how many times were you able to pick yourself back up and how fast!!!

Today as I sit writing this I take a look back at my past. So many things have happened to me, my loved ones, my friends, people around me, my institutions, my country and all... it's just amazing how ungratful we all are... and just how stubborn we can be... I have learnt a lot and I will continue to do so... Yes, I have made my mistakes but I am man enough to face them today... I thought I was in love only to know that I deserved better... If only I had seen the hidden faces a little earlier but well, then again if I had, I wouldn't be who I am today, a much stronger and better man.

I have finally decided to quit writing poetry, at least for some time to come... there's nothing left to write about for me, no one to inspire me, no feeling left that needs to be put in words... I end this with my favorite verse:

"To do something a little extraordinary
To die knowing that I at least tried"


Please find my previous works on my old blog:
