Thursday, November 18, 2010


Words (by Ahmad Babar):
I have never felt this lonely before
Its like every cell in my body's gone sore
Even the broken paint on the ceiling
doesn't attract me anymore
I have lost my ability to envision
I have lost my ability to write
A piece of this puzzle has gone missing
And I am slowly losing my sight
Nothing now seems like it used to
The pleasure in pain is now gone
These words are losing their meaning
Turns out I was the one who was always in the wrong
Truth seems to have disappeared
Broken promises are all that remain
Nothing seems to be permanent
But it all happens over and over again
I lay alone in my bed
In the late hours of the night
The words still don't have a meaning
I am counting down seconds to my final flight

My angel

My angel (by Ahmad Babar):
I like the way you move your feet
A small step at a time
I love the way you say
My name every time
I love how you feel
When my arms are wrapped around you
That sweet smile melts my heart
Every time that I hold you
I love how you can say so much
Without having to utter a word
I love how you wrap your fingers around mine
Makes me feel like I'm king of the world
I'll protect you, I'll guide you
I'll be there, I'll always care
I promise you I'll never leave your side
Whenever you will be down, you'll find me there
You are my angel, my sweet little angel
I'm your baba, I'm proud to be your father
You are God's Greatest Gift
I love you my sweet little daughter
I'll be your best friend
I'll be your shoulder
I'll keep you warm
When life starts to get colder
I will always love you
You can always count on me
I won't ever let you down
You can always trust me
You are my angel, my sweet little angel
I'm your baba, I'm proud to be your father
You are God's Greatest Gift
I love you my sweet little daughter

Rainbow (incomplete)

Started on 11/10/10

Rainbow (by Ahmad Babar):

You are prettier than a 6am rainbow

Saw you and couldn't even say hello

Dumb founded, I was lost for words

Wish I could turn time backwards

Life's all black & white without you

Now if only you knew